Day 9 – Dust or Mud?

The Dempster Highway is definitely a primitive road with little to no services along it. Although they are working on maintaining the road, most of the 500+ miles have been rough dirt roads. It’s been a challenge for even Pat, with his years working in the woods and driving logging roads, to maintain even 25 mph without beating the truck and camper to pieces.

In addition to the washboard sections and pothole sections, there has been either dust or mud. Which is trickier? That is still a question to be answered. The muddy sections have been slippery and of course cake mud onto the truck and camper. In comparison, the dusty sections, when encountering an oncoming or passing vehicle, can be almost impossible to see the road.  And then there is the dust coating everything inside the  camper.

A few sprinkles keep the dust down without being slippery, but it is hard to put in that specific of a request with the man upstairs, although I have been trying! So, we take it slow, which gives us more time to admire the passing miles and miles and miles of the upland plateau covered with taiga or the boreal forest of spruce and willow.

Dust or mud, which is preferred? We’ll decide that once we get back home and see if the mud washes off the truck and camper, and how much of the dust we can vacuum out of the interior.

I think I have already figured out my answer, but what you prefer?


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