Day 7 – Happy Solstice, From the Land of the Midnight Sun!

 Driving north from Washington we noticed that the season is reversing, but the days are lengthening.

The further north we have come the “earlier in the spring” it appears to be. The lupines that were growing tall at home are just beginning to bloom along the side of the road. Also, the birch leaves that were rustling at the beginning of the of the trip are just now budding out. 

However, it is definitely spring in this northern country. Bright violet hues vetch blooms along the roadways and rain showers scatter their droplets on the hillsides.

Another thing we noticed is that the further north we came, the longer the days were. It has essentially not been dark for us since we were mid-way up British Columbia, around June 18.

Currently, we are camped just 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle on Solstice, June 21. The Tombstone Mountain campground is nestled amidst the Ogilvie Mountain Range with high peaks surrounding us. Although we are almost at snow level, the temperature is still in the upper 60’s, and when the sun peaks through the clouds it is downright hot.
We’ll raise a toast to the new season at midnight. Life is good, each day is a new start, Cheers!


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