Day 9 – A Spouting Horn

What may you ask is a “Spouting Horn?” It is a narrow crevice in rocks along a shoreline where waves hit in a way that causes a spout of water to erupt. Depot Bay in Oregon is well-known for its spouting horn which is right along Hwy 101, the main street through town.

On a day when the waves are big, the spray from the spouting horn drifts across Hwy 101. We lucked out on this trip to drive through town on a day with giant waves, so we got thoroughly wet from the spray while trying to catch “the shot”.

The spouting horn in Depot Bay is a crevice that is at an angle from the shoreline, so waves have to roll in from a specific direction to cause the eruption of spray. On a sunny day you can see a rainbow in the resulting spray.

I should have taken a photo of my sunglasses afterward. They were encrusted in salty spray drops.


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